Services Offered



My approach to therapy utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which allows children to help identify how their thoughts impact their choices and behaviors. The goal is to help children develop positive coping strategies, increase independent problem-solving skills, and foster resiliency so that children can thrive in the face of anxiety, depression, and social, academic, or family stressors.

Approaches are tailored to meet each child and family’s needs, and may include a mixture of talking, art, animal-assisted interventions, and similar strategies based on needs.

Psychological and Psychoeducational Evaluations

Does your child have trouble with attention, managing their emotions, or learning at school? Are you seeking recommendations for supports and resources to manage these challenges? By completing a comprehensive psychological or psycho-educational assessments to evaluate, diagnose, and provide specific treatment recommendations for issues such as ADHD, developmental disorders (e.g. Autism), learning disorders (dyslexia or dyscalculia), depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. 

Areas that can be assessed to understand your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses include: cognitive/intelligence, executive function, memory, language/ communication, social skills, behavior, attention, emotional functioning, and academics (reading, writing, and math).

I have expert knowledge of both community resources, and supports available to children in schools through general and special education, and Section 504 Plans for accommodations. Therefore, I can provide vital treatment recommendations as part of the evaluation specific to your child’s needs.


Consultation Services

Has your child been recommended for special education services or a Section 504 accommodation plan at school? Do you have questions about what services your child may need or what some of this means? Do you need help advocating for your child with other medical professionals or at school, or don’t know where to start?

With several years experience working in schools, I am happy to consult with you to help explain the process, or consult about whether your child may need therapy or an evaluation to better understand their needs.